How to Train Fighting Cocks Professionally to Create Strong Cocks

Train Fighting Cocks at 58jl

How to train fighting cocks will help you have a strong fighting cock? This is the knowledge that many people are interested in today. Therefore, in the article below, 58jl will give you some useful knowledge about raising and training chickens. Follow along to gain more experience.

How to train fighting cocks plays an important role

Raising fighting chickens requires a lot of technique and experience from the cocker. However, if you want to have an undefeated god of war in the arena, training is indispensable. In particular, the cockmaster will apply many different training exercises to help the fighting cock have the best fighting ability.

If you have good training exercises, you will own a fighting cock with peak fighting ability. This is the reason why people pay so much attention to how to exercise during the breeding process.

Ways to practice fighting cocks bring the best results

Currently, many methods have been developed for raising fighting chickens. Below we will update some good tips for your reference.

Cage running exercise

In the beginning, when training fighting cocks, cockers need to immediately apply cage running exercises so that they can have endurance when competing. Besides, running cages will increase leg strength, creating great attack power.

How to train fighting chickens with cage running will be done quite simply, every day for chickens to do about 30 minutes. After completing the exercise, take the chickens out of the cage and massage them to relax their muscles and relax their mind.

The best time for chickens to run in the cage is in the morning, this is like an exercise specifically for them. Regarding the age of chickens, the best stage is when they have their ears cut and their feathers trimmed.

One thing to note is how to train fighting cocks 58jl with the cage running method is to choose the appropriate size. Do not let chickens stand in cages that are too small, it can make them uncomfortable and not be effective.

How to train fighting cocks plays an important role
How to train fighting cocks plays an important role

Free fall

How to train fighting cocks with free fall exercises will help the chickens land gently, easily gaining the ability to attack from above. This exercise will be performed 25 to 30 times in the beginning. After the chicken has adapted, you can increase it by 150 – 200 times.

Specifically, the chicken master holds the chicken’s front chest with one hand and holds the back breast with the other hand. Then, raise the chicken 20 to 50 cm above the ground and then drop it down. Keep doing this sequentially until the end of the exercise.

How to practice fighting cocks for trial competitions

You can start your chickens practicing their fighting ability through some small friendly matches. Thus, the chickens will gradually have sharp reflexes when fighting, and at the same time, they will also increase their fighting blood level.

Let your cock fight in a friendly match, then rest for about a week before starting back with the same training regimen. Don’t forget to gradually increase the weight when training, that will be the way to train your fighting cock to become stronger and stronger.

Combine chicken training with nutrition

In addition to effective how to train fighting cocks, you need to provide your chickens with the best nutrition. Only then can they have the best physical strength to compete. Specifically:

  • In the early stages: When you are still a baby chicken, you should choose a sufficient amount of food with good nutrients for the chicken to develop. At this time, chickens should only be fed industrial grains or bran specifically for chicks.
  • Beginning of development stage: When the chicken is 5 to 7 weeks old, this stage requires additional protein for the chicken to develop comprehensively. In addition to grain feed, add minced meat, worms, etc. to chickens. Don’t forget to provide them with fiber through vegetables.
  • Adult stage: When the chickens have grown and applied the above training methods for fighting chickens, pay attention to giving the chickens enough nutrients and dividing their meals into small portions. That way, the chicken will have the best physical strength.

One thing to keep in mind when feeding fighting chickens is to not let them feel too full. If so, it will make them feel sleepy and not have the spirit to practice. And besides that, pay attention to diseases that can happen to chickens.

Train fight cocks 58jl
Train fight cocks 58jl


We have updated the article with good knowledge about how to train fighting cocks professionally. Hopefully, the cocker will grasp the details, give his fighting cock a detailed roadmap, and achieve the best results when competing. Don’t forget to continue visiting our forum every day to update more good knowledge.